What are the differences between Wi-Fi Extender, Wi-Fi Booster, and Wi-Fi Repeater?

Hello, everyone. I hope you are doing well. Here's a new tune just in.

You must have heard names associated with Wi-Fi devices like Wi-Fi Extender, Booster, and Repeater. We all know that these devices are used to extend the range of Wi-Fi, but you might not be aware of the differences between these devices. Today, in this tune, we will learn about the distinctions among these three devices.

Wi-Fi Extender

As the name suggests, a Wi-Fi Extender will increase the range of your Wi-Fi. It's essentially a hardware device. It can use specific cables such as Coaxial, Ethernet, or Powerline to extend the Wi-Fi range. Powerline networking, in particular, is a different network standard that has come from the manufacturer.

Now, you might wonder why you need a cable when you're using a Wi-Fi router. Extending Wi-Fi using cables has the advantage that the signal will travel through the cable, so your internet speed won't decrease, and you won't experience much latency. Powerline networking, for instance, extends the Wi-Fi signal to other rooms in your home using electrical wiring. Therefore, using cables to extend the range is quite effective, and it won't decrease your speed.

By connecting the extender to your router with a cable, you can use the internet up to another building. However, the speed may decrease a bit due to the cable's length.

Wi-Fi Repeater

A Wi-Fi Repeater works much like a Wi-Fi Extender, but it doesn't use cables. It doesn't need to be connected with a cable to the router. It can be placed anywhere to extend the internet range.

However, when it comes to wireless, you may face an issue where your overall bandwidth decreases. At the same time, latency increases because it sends data on the same frequency. This results in reduced speed. Modern routers often have the option of using specific bands and frequencies, called channeling, to try to send data from the router to the repeater on a different frequency. By using multiple bands, various issues with repeaters can be fixed.

Wi-Fi Booster

Wi-Fi Booster uses both the terms Extender and Repeater simultaneously. Even many Wi-Fi Repeaters have the provision to connect with cables. Devices like the Devolo Magic 2 WiFi next Whole Home Powerline Kit use both powerline and Wi-Fi bands to create a mesh network, which is an integral part of both Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Repeaters and Wi-Fi Boosters.

Regardless of the terminology, you should first identify your issue and buy the device that suits your needs. Connect it to your router accordingly.

Wi-Fi Bridge

This might seem unfamiliar to many. A Wi-Fi Bridge essentially acts as an intermediary between non-Wi-Fi-supporting devices and the Wi-Fi network. For instance, if you have a TV at home that doesn't support Wi-Fi and you need to connect it using Ethernet. In that case, you can connect your TV to a Wi-Fi access point and then connect that access point to the router. This process is known as a Wi-Fi Bridge.

Currently, since most devices come with built-in Wi-Fi, you don't see this much.

Final Words

Many of us often get confused about these common things. I hope through today's tune , you've gained a clearer understanding of these topics. Until we meet again with another tune, take care and goodbye.

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